Exercises for section 4.1.1

% Exercise 1: Delbruck Scattering:

\hskip 0.75in                    % Move the whole picture to the right.
\drawline\photon[\SE\FLIPPED](0,5000)[6]   % Start from the upper left.
\double\photonlengthx  \multroothalf\photonlengthx  % mults by root 2.

% Exercise 2:  Drell-Yan

\documentstyle [12pt]{report}
\input FEYNMAN
\begin{center}    %  Everything to be centred.
Drell-Yan W-Production

\begin{picture}(10000,10000)    % Note that the 10000 x 10000 box is centred.
\bigphotons   % needed in 12-pt.
\global\advance \pmidx by -1400
\global\advance \pmidx by -1200
Note the necessary blank line prior to the begin{picture} command.